Although toilets generally last up to 50 years, there are several reasons why you would need to replace one in your home.
- Age – if your toilet is more than 50 years old – you may want to consider replacing it to help to avoid any problems that may come up
- Constant clogs – if your toilet is getting clogged continuously and you’ve tried every home remedy there is and finally called in a plumber only to have to call him in several times for the same issue – well it’s a sign that it’s time to invest in a new toilet.
- Cracks – whether there are cracks in the base or the bowl or the tank – if you notice a crack anywhere in your toilet it’s definitely time to get a new one.
- Inefficient – old toilets are notoriously inefficient. They can waste alot of water (and your money) so if you are holding on to an older toilet – consider how much you may be able to save with a brand new, more efficient commode.
- Constantly running – if you have had to recently replace a flapper or other component of your toilet to fix an issue such as running water, it’s a sign that things are starting to wear out. If you find that you are having to replace a series of parts from time to time – it may be worth your while to go ahead and replace that model with a newer version.
- Doesn’t feel secured – when you sit on the toilet and you feel that it wobbles – it may be a sign that the floor underneath the toilet is damaged somehow. This could be an easy fix, but it could also mean that there’s a leaking problem with your toilet. If you have continuous leaking problems then it’s definitely time to replace it.
How Long Do Toilets Usually Last?
As we mentioned earlier, toilets generally last about 50 years. But this, of course is very subjective to so many different factors.
- Usage – like most anything – the more it’s used the sooner it will wear out
- Users – sorry to say that the heavier the people are who use the toilet – the more wear and tear will be placed on that toilet, which in turn work to decrease it’s lifespan
- Abuse – the lifespan of a toilet can be reduced if it is abused. What we mean is if there is a great amount of items that are often flushed down the toilet that should not be (i.e., toys, tampons, paper towels, etc.) – then the toilet and the sewer pipes are certainly being over extended.
How Do You Know When You Need A New Toilet?
The 6 reasons we mentioned above are all good signs that tell you that it may be time for a new toilet. You can discuss with your plumber what your options are but if you find that you are spending money often on replacing parts or getting your pipes cleared out – it may end up much less costly to simply replace your toilet with a new one.
There are also multiple different types of toilets available today – much more than what was available years ago.
Believe it or not, there are 22 different types, features and options of toilets available on the market. Extensive details on each of these are described in an article from homestratosphere.com. These include…
Gravity-Feed Toilet – the most common type of toilets and known for their quiet flushing action.
Pressure-Assisted Toilet – for when you need a power flushing action.
Dual-Flush Toilet – is a hybrid of both gravity feed and pressure assisted technology. It is most recognized for its water saving feature.
Double-Cyclone Toilet – a fairly new product to the market. These use a minimal amount of water yet provide a powerful flush. It uses only 2 nozzles in the toilet bowl to provide water (vs. the standard holes in the toilet bowl rim).
Waterless Toilet – aka “dry toilet” is an excellent option for campers, living off the grid and the ever expanding tiny house movemement. It uses no water and requires no plumbing.
Compost Toilet – another popular “dry toilet” in the tiny house community. This type converts the waste into compost via a biological process within the unit.
One-Piece Toilet – is the easiest to install because it is, as the name implies, one full ceramic piece.
Two-Piece Toilet – gives you the option of mixing and matching the toilet bowl and the tank. It’s more efficient than a one piece unit, they tend to last longer and easier to repair since it is broken up into two pieces.
Wall-Mounted Toilet – normally seen in public restrooms (especially high end restaurants). These are hung on the wall and have no base. The tank is hidden behind the wall so in general, the toilet itself does take up less space in the bathroom.
Single-Flush Toilet – this most common type of toilet simply requires one flush.
Double-Flush Toilet – has two flush settings. Press down for liquid waste. Press up for solid waste.
Touchless Flush Toilet – the perfect toilet for anyone who rates cleanliness high on their list.
Color – most of us are used to seeing white toilets but today, you can choose any color you can imagine.
Height – there are 3 standard heights for toilets. For anyone with mobility issues, the Comfort height of 17″ – 19″ is recommended. The Standard height is 15″ and there is a Child height of 10″ – 14″. Of course, the wall mounted toilets can be customized to any height you wish.
Bowl Shape – you can also choose the shape of the bowl. Elongated, Compact Elongated and Round. The toilet with an Elongated bowl is the largest at about 18 inches and both the Compact and Round measure at about 16 inches. So, the space that you have will sometimes dictate which type of toilet you choose, as far as size.
Toilet Seat – there are a few different varieties of materials that toilet seats are made of. Cushion seats, plastic, wood, resin and probably a few others. There are also heated seats, slow closing ones, seats with night lights and air fresheners and raised seats as well as seats with grab bars.
Trapway – something most of us don’t consider when purchasing a toilet is the trapway. This is the item that connects the toilet bowl to the plumbing. It’s important to know which type of trapway you want. It can exposed, it can be partially concealed or it can be completely concealed.
Flush Handle – yes, even the flush handle on a toilet can be customized. Factors to consider are what style of handle you would like and where to place it. On the side, in the front or even on top. Note that there are touchless and remote control flush handles as well.
Smart Toilet – today, technology is everywhere including toilets. The “smart toilet” include a touch screen control pad for flushing and for changing the toilet seat temperature (real luxury here!), amongst other things. Some also include a bidet feature and of course, are lighted for those night time excursions.
Eco-Friendly Toilet – are basically toilets that use less water than the standard toilets. It’s an excellent optional feature for those of us who are working to conserve water.
Urinal – most often seen in commercial bathrooms. But some residential homes are beginning to install urinals in their master bathrooms.
Bidet – of course bidets are most common in Europe but they are beginning to creap in a bit in USA bathrooms.
If you have any questions about toilets or are having some problems with one, call Atlantis Plumbing today at 770-505-8570. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.