Because they are small they can easily be clogged.

And when they get clogged it can decrease the power of the flush.

To clean these holes, follow these simple steps:

1. Wear rubber gloves

2. Gently insert the end of a wire hanger or large paper clip (or something similar) into each hole to loosen any clogged debris

3. With a sponge or soft scrub brush and white vinegar, scrub the rum of the toilet to remove any remaining debris.

4. After cleaning, rinse and re-wash your toilet with water for at least 30 seconds, then rinse again and repeat.

5. Use a mirror to check the rim and holes in the toilet bowl and make sure they are clean.

You can prevent the accumulation of future mineral deposits by cleaning your toilet at least weekly, paying particular attention to the area around the edge.

What Is The Black Stuff Under The Toilet Rim?

All that black stuff that you may see under your toilet rim could be hard water mineral deposits that have accumulated over time and/or mold.

You may be wondering why your toilet has mold and it’s actually a very common occurrence. Mold, as you may know grows wherever there is high humidity and oftentimes, bathrooms will have high humidity due to the hot showers that we tend to take in there.

Since toilets are often left with the lid up, it’s very easy for mold spores to find a home in the toilet bowl. Also, if your toilet tank has mold, well that mold can then just move on down to the toilet bowl.

How Do You Get Stains Out Of Toilet Rims?

To remove mineral deposits follow these steps:

1. Heat up 12 ounces of white vinegar in the microwave just until it’s warm (1 minute should do it).

2. Remove the lid of your toilet tank.

3. Pour this warm vinegar into the overflow tube in your toilet tank.

4. Wait 30 minutes and then flush your toilet.

Keeping to a weekly schedule of cleaning your toilets should keep major stains and mold out of your toilets.

If you have any questions about keeping your plumbing clean, call Atlantis Plumbing today at 770-505-8570. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.