It can be disturbing to hear any kind of noise coming from your toilet – it’s definitely a sign that something has gone wrong, but what could it be? And the list of the things that could have gone wrong are long depending on the type of noise / sound that you hear.

Toilets can make sounds like banging, gurgling, vibration, squeeling, running water, thumping and of course a foghorn sound! In this article, we’ll be discusing what to do if you hear that fog horn coming from your toilet when you flush it.

Is It Normal For Toilets To Make Noise?

The short answer is NO. The only sound your toilet should make is the normal sound that comes from flushing your toilet.

Any other sound is a sign that something either has gone wrong or something is in the process of going wrong. Although as we said, there are many different types of sounds that your toilet could make, in this article we are going to go over the issue of a foghorn noise.

Let us first say that this kind of noise normally comes from an older toilet that is outfitted with a ballcock-style fill valve. This foghorn sound usually comes from a washer that has come loose inside that ballcock unit.

The fix could be to simply replace the washer but if there are other problems with the ballcock unit – then that may have to also be replaced as well.

Other Sources Of Foghorn Noises In Your Home

Toilets are not the only items that can create that strange sound in your home, you could also hear it from your washing machine, your dishwasher, your faucets and/or your plumbing pipes. Although the toilet is the most common cause of this sound – don’t be alarmed if you hear it from any of these other sources.

The causes of this sound in any of these other areas could be anything from loose washers, valve problems, old pipes and a few more. We do recommend that you contact a professional plumber to assess the situation and correct the problems.

If you have any questions about toilets or are having some problems with it, call Atlantis Plumbing today at 770-505-8570. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.