Calcium buildup is normally identified by signs of hard water deposits or stains.

If you know that you live in an area that has hard water, the chances of you having calcium buildup in your pipes is much higher.

Another possible sign of calcium buildup is if you find white film on surfaces such as porcelain, enamel, stainless steel, tile, china, glass, etc.

Once you’ve identified the fact that you DO have calcium buildup in your pipes and drains then the next step is how to do rectify the situation?

  1. You can contact a professional plumber to resolve the issue for you.
  2. You can attempt to do it yourself.

The option you do not have is to ignore it because it only builds up – it will not get better on it’s own.

DIY Methods to Remove Calcium Buildup from Your Pipes and Drains

A chemical product like CLR works well on reducing calcium buildup.

But – if your water comes from a well – you DO NOT want to use this chemical. We recommend that you look for a natural alternative.

Vinegar and Baking Soda works well as a natural alternative but it will take a little more work. Here’s the recipe and procedure:

  1. Pour a pot of boiling hot water down the drain.
  2. Pour 1/2 cup baking soda down the drain. Wait a few minutes.
  3. Pour 1 cup of Distilled White Vinegar and 1 cup very hot water down the drain.
  4. Cover the drain with a plug to keep the reaction from foaming out of the drain.
  5. Pour a pot of hot boiling water down the drain to flush everything out.

Repeat this process for every sink drain, shower drain and bathtub drain in your home.

Long Term Solution

The best way to prevent your pipes from getting calcium buildup is to purchase a water softening system.

Yes, of course, these can be expensive but if you are able to purchase one – it is your best bet for a long term solution to keeping your pipes and drains clear from calcium buildup.